WyldWare.Com -- One of the internet's oldest MU* hosting providers


One of the internet's oldest MU* Hosting Providers

Game Installations

      • TinyMUSH
      • TinyMUX
      • PennMUSH
      • Evennia
      • RHost

Our Services

WyldWare.Com has a number of MU* hosting packages and options.  Take a look, and choose the package that suits you best.  All of our services include an installation of a game engine (see left) and a web application (see right)

Web Applications

      • WordPress
      • Joomla
      • MediaWiki
      • Coppermine

Basic MU* Hosting

 $9.99 per month

100 MB of Server Space

2 Available Ports

Personalized subdomain (yourmud.wyldware.com or yourmud.telmaron.com)

Up to 10 Hosted Email Accounts

Up to 5 Mail Forwarders ( mymudd-apps@wyldware.com forwarded to bubba@notnow.org, etc)

Included web-space (wordpress, wiki, etc.)

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”Basic Hosting” a3=”9.99″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″]

Advanced MU* Hosting

$14.99 per month

200 MB of Server Space

2 Available Ports

Your own domain name (if available)

Up to 20 Hosted Email Accounts

Up to 10 Mail Forwarders ( mymudd-apps@wyldware.com forwarded to bubba@notnow.org, etc)

Included web-space (wordpress, wiki, etc.)

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”Advanced Hosting” a3=”14.99″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″]

Deluxe MU* Hosting

 $19.99 per month

400 MB of Server Space

4 Available Ports

Your own domain name (if availalable)

Up to 20 Hosted Email Accounts

Up to 10 Mail Forwarders ( mymudd-apps@wyldware.com forwarded to bubba@notnow.org, etc)

Included web-space (wordpress, wiki, etc.)

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”Deluxe Hosting” a3=”19.99″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″]

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